HICE DMHC Timely Access Regulations Team Workgroup

(Events listed in Pacific Time)

Date:  11/27/2023    
Start Time:  12:00 PM End Time:  1:30 PM
Description:  HICE DMHC Timely Access Regulations Team Workgroup
Site/Teleconference Info:  Screen-sharing link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDQyMjNkY2QtMWRlYi00N2U1LTkzYzQtYzRlYzRmZWI2OWI3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221ccc79e9-1dda-45b4-8335-a298cbe52241%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2259b9a95d-1452-483b-aeb2-bd1ce98dd223%22%7d Microsoft Teams Passcode: cPDxnM Audio Only Call-in Number: 1-628-225-1779 Audio only Phone Conference ID: 101 085 187# Type:  Workgroup Meeting
Document Link 
Coordinator:  Jemme Durrow (Jemme.Durrow@blueshieldca.com) / Beth Lewis (Beth.Lewis@blueshieldca.com)
Comments:  Please note that the meeting information has been changed.


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