HICE CEO Update - July 2023

From: broadcast@iceforhealth.org 1
Date: 7/28/2023 9:25:55 AM
Subject: HICE CEO Update - July 2023

To HICE Participants

Welcome back to the bi-monthly CEO Update, designed to keep members apprised of the current happenings at HICE! Here is an update on what has been going on since my last report:

HICE 2023 Annual Conference / December 4 & 5:

We are extremely excited to be going back to an in-person conference this year! As previously announced, our conference will be held in Southern California at the beautiful Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort & Spa in the Coachella Valley. Outreach and planning for the agenda is underway, with registration expected to open after Labor Day. This conference offers the opportunity to hear directly from healthcare regulators on up-to the-minute topics and is one of the best values in the industry, so we hope to see you all there!

Association Partnerships:

Monthly meetings continue between HICE and the California Association of Health Plans (CAHP), as well as America’s Physician Groups (APG). These discussions continue to be very beneficial on all sides and provide an excellent opportunity to stay aligned on collaborative work efforts for the industry. Most recently discussed has been the new UM Letter Template Standardization Workgroup that was formed under the HICE Service Determination Standardization Team, as HICE is seeking health plan support with this standardized letter approach in order to reduce the undue administrative burden on delegated entities as well as improve compliance with updates to letters when required. CAHP has agreed to socialize this information with their membership, as the support of health plan leadership is needed to create compliant letter templates that are deployed efficiently, help to streamline required updates, and are adopted by the majority of health plans, groups and others.
Health Net / IHA Medi-Cal Encounter Data Improvement Project:

This project continues, with the current priority areas of focus being Alignment Across Submission Guides (Companion, Implementation, and Billing Guides), Local Codes, and Visit-Encounter Reconciliation. The HICE team successfully completed the development of best practice training materials related to newborn identification, a presentation on Best Practices for Submitting Newborn Encounters and an Inbound Encounters Newborn Logic template, that will be made available here once final guidance clarification is received from DHCS. Be sure and check the link for other materials developed as part of this project that can be used as resources for provider training and better encounter data throughput.

HICE Team / Website Updates:

  • Compliance Team – this team has recently completed a review of the Fraud, Waste and Abuse and General Compliance training modules for necessary revisions. An additional training has been created for HIPAA compliance as well. To allow each organization to easily customize the training to their specific needs, the new training slide decks are available to download as a PowerPoint presentation. Each course includes a post assessment quiz and answer key. Due to this customization option, the trainings will no longer be offered on the HICE website as an online training module with certificates of completion. These presentations can be accessed here.?
  • Website Audit Review Process – as shared previously, a main area of focus for HICE this year has been the compliance review and development of an audit structure to ensure that all of the information on the website is up-to-date and meets the most current regulatory requirements. The health plan-specific letter templates process has been ongoing with available templates able to be accessed here. HICE has reached out to a compliance consultant to potentially assist with the continuation of this process and will keep HICE participants apprised of the audit schedule and how that may impact access to certain documents and/or areas of the website.
Until the next update, please feel free to contact me at mmyers@iceforhealth.org or at 530-562-4235, with any suggestions, questions or comments. Thank you!

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