HICE CEO Update - May 2024

From: broadcast@iceforhealth.org 1
Date: 5/31/2024 8:42:50 AM
Subject: HICE CEO Update - May 2024

To HICE Participants:
Welcome back to the bi-monthly CEO Update, designed to keep members apprised of the current happenings at HICE. Here is an update on what has been going on since my last report:
HICE 2024 Annual Conference / Save the Dates!
The HICE 2024 Annual Conference will be held on Monday, December 9 & Tuesday, December 10, once again at the beautiful Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort & Spa in the Coachella Valley of Southern California. More information can be found here, and the HICE Conference Planning Committee is actively working to bring everyone a fantastic event later this year! 
With the expansion of our conference to this new property and the tremendous growth expected for our event, HICE has added more planning staff for the conference, including a dedicated conference planner for this event, as Patty Hermanns will now be focusing solely on her other duties for our organization. We would like to recognize and thank Patty for her tremendous work in making our past conferences such a success – we know many of you have enjoyed working with her over the years, and we are very confident that you will receive the same high level of quality service from our new conference planning partner for the 2024 HICE Conference, Janice Sturm.
Some of you may be familiar with Janice already, as she was the onsite contact for our 2023 event and has also been onsite at other HICE conferences that were held in the San Francisco area. Janice brings a wealth of expertise in this space and she will be working closely with me on this event. We are looking forward to the insight she will bring to the conference and if you have any questions on this event, she can be reached at conferenceplanner@iceforhealth.org.
This conference is a must for healthcare industry leadership, frontline managers and staff alike. Whether your role is in general administration, medical and pharmacy, network management, product development and sales, government, regulatory, legal or public relations, you will find this conference rich in content - you won’t want to miss it, so stay tuned for more information as it becomes available!
HICE Team / Website Updates
Compliance Team Coded DOFR Workgroup / Planned Expansion to Include Medi-Cal – 
HICE has gotten some clinical support from a medical director who is a certified coder with prior auth experience to get the process started to create a Medi-Cal version of the Coded Division of Financial Responsibility (DOFR). This will be an adjunct to the existing HICE Commercial and Medicare Coded DOFR, which is expected to be updated and released later this year. I spoke at the APG Medi-Cal Policy Committee meeting on May 7 to discuss the potential for the adoption of a standardized version of a Medi-Cal Coded DOFR by the provider community with the APG membership and representatives from the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). I provided an update on where HICE is with the process, build and development, where it is headed, what HICE is trying to accomplish related to standardized reporting abilities and potential DOFR applications for current regulatory initiatives such as Data Exchange / HIEs / QHIOs, DHCS / CalAIM / MLR reporting and DHHS - OHCA / HCAI. I got some good feedback from participants, who were also asked to consider being part of a pilot program, as organizations are needed to use and adopt the Medi-Cal DOFR and to share how they are using it and how it has been helpful, i.e., how utilizing a coded DOFR from a standpoint of operations is helpful from a management and claims processing perspective. There will be more to come on this initiative over the coming months and I would welcome hearing any input on this topic, so please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.
Until the next update, please feel free to contact me at mmyers@iceforhealth.org or at 530-562-4235, with any suggestions, questions or comments. Thank you!


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